A Sad Week

Project Status Not a lot of movement overall last week, due to CCP layoffs and internal reorganization. Rich is going to try and get Dust to Dust laid out this week. Ethan is going to take over the Geist 1.1 development. Other pieces are moving forward again. Meeting Notes Rich suggests that we record the … Read more

Thaumaturgical Technology

Here’s some hopefully welcome crunch, as I work on taking into account all of the player feedback from the previous Kindred and technology post. It sounds like players are wanting fewer generalities, but also fewer extreme specificities. Gotta find that sweet spot in the middle, which has been a challenge (but fun). The plan is … Read more

Independent Ambition

Okay, ladies and skeletons, this time around we have an excerpt from the technology chapter. One of the things you guys have consistently expressed is some desire to see how the independents do things, since much of the previous (first draft! I’m fixing it!) material pushes them out of the limelight in favor of examinations … Read more

Minty-Fresh Apple Products

Project Status Found italics problem in Strangeness ebook — working to get it resolved Dust to Dust layout discussed and ongoing Strange, Dead Love edits should be back this week Imperial Mysteries art notes should be in this week before going to editing House Divided series discussed a bit with Chuck — title might change … Read more

Refocus: Setting First

Okay, so let’s go back through some of the feedback, both here and in the White Wolf forums. With the return of Vampire in the V20 format, we’ve noticed some distinct patterns. You guys like your Masquerade setting. That’s awesome. When I originally assembled the V20 Companion outline, I did it with an eye toward … Read more

Open Dev: V20 Companion Titles

Okay, let’s take a look at the Titles chapter. https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1ynXkJxdtTv1LrQrciPwbIdIm8oYbQPItLhjE2q7EeUg What we have here… is a failure to communi— no, wait, I did it wrong. What we have here is a quick look at why the Kindred have titles, then a system for how to create them, and then a healthy listing of example titles, … Read more

Flamewar (with Justin Achilli)

Monday Meeting 2! … yeah, numbering these is going to get irritating really fast. Let’s forget that I ever used to do that. Project Status Strangeness ebook — To Layout Vampire 20th — To PoD Layout Dust to Dust — To Layout Strange, Dead Love — Editing Imperial Mysteries — Development/Prep for Editing Victorian Lost … Read more