May The Odds Always Be In Your Favor

Meeting Notes Lot of family stuff for Rich this weekend, between Easter and a bridal shower for his daughter on Saturday. We both saw Hunger Games, and we both really liked it. Rich liked the art direction. I liked the elements of the first-person perspective in the cinematography. Rich talked about a scary Rice Crispies … Read more

70s Prog Rock

Meeting Notes Rich’s distrust of the medical community appears to be shared by the medical community. Art on Victorian Lost is iterating. Working on Kickstarter ideas for Children of the Revolution. Kelley Barnes is helping us out with some marketing ideas. The economics of going from Kickstarter to Kickstarter. Also, we both supported Dinopocalypse Now! … Read more

A Peculiar Definition of Core

One of the interesting things about this process has been expanding beyond the “core.” I’ve worked on two Werewolf core books myself simply from the cWoD alone, and done at least one translation project (the original Werewolf: The Dark Ages). W20 is an entirely different beast, play on words unintended but unavoidable. So I’m used … Read more

Pollen Count = Body Count

Meeting Notes It’s pollen season in Atlanta. Of course, Rich is safely tucked away in a different state, so I’m the only one suffering. If you’ve never been to Atlanta before, that yellow crap in the picture is exactly what it looks like. It’s so damned attractive, let me tell you. We talked a bit … Read more

John Carter of Venus. Wait, no, Mars.

Meeting Notes Pollen has fallen in Atlanta. I’m still groggy from the allergy meds. Rich’s flu is about over, but a LOT of people in his area came down with it at about the same time. Weirdly, his kids didn’t get sick. We talked John Carter. We both really liked it. I see his point on … Read more

Sick Monster

Meeting Notes Rich is feeling pretty crappy today, so we kept the meeting short so he could get back to bed and keep sleeping it off. We talk a little about wrapping up season one of our online V20 game, and how long it’s been since either of us has played Masquerade tabletop regularly. V20 … Read more