Supporting Cast [Mage: The Awakening]

We all need mirrors. The Awakened are strange, maddening people to be around. Imagine the most insular subculture you’ve ever come across, where the members have their own bizarre rituals, jargon, and shared references, then multiply it by a thousand. Then curse almost everyone else to be driven mad by exposure to that subculture even … Read more

Lore of the Clans 24 Hour Warning

So far, Lore of the Clans has reached $121,000, just shy of the 250% funded mark. It’s our highest-funded modern V20 Kickstarter so far! See what all the fuss is about: Deluxe Lore of the Clans Your pledges have given us eight stretch goals to date, including an Antitribu Appendix, a Caitiff Appendix, and we’re … Read more

April 2015 Release Recap

New Releases Starting off the month was our annual April Fools product for the World of Darkness, Gothic Icons, which features a collection of statted-up characters from classic Gothic literature. Since April 1 coincided with Wednesday, an actual release day this year, we also released the advance PDF for Mummy: The Curse’s Sothis Ascends, a … Read more

The Creative Arts [Mage: The Awakening]

Welcome back, faithful readers! Mage: The Awakening Second Edition has spent the last four months being redlined with a fine-toothed comb, and is now back with the authors for a spruce-up before evolving into its final form. As second drafts come back in, I’ll be sharing the topics we didn’t get around to in the … Read more