Sympathy for the Sinister [Mage: The Awakening]

When You’re Evil Mage is well served for antagonists. The game has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to opposition, and many of them are close to my heart. There’s just something satisfying about a good antagonist. So let’s take a look at the bad side of the road. Before we even get to … Read more

Time to Stitch the Body Together [Promethean: The Created]

Aw, yeah. Open development for Promethean: The Created Second Edition. We’re gonna keep this quick and dirty – I’m in the middle of running a Kickstarter at the moment, and I have to split my focus a little. So here’s the drill: Promethean 2nd Ed is in redlines at the moment. I have the first drafts … Read more

A Well-Armed Society…

…Is a Polite Society. Some of our World of Darkness games focus hard on individual character groups. You’re not really expected to worry about Prometheans beyond the players’ Throng, and Demons are too paranoid for the majority to be in an Agency. As the most Human supernatural beings, though, mages have a human response to … Read more

New Order

We’ve talked about Paths and Legacies already, so we’re past due to talk about the Orders. If Path and Legacy are broad and narrow definitions of magical style, how a mage works her magic, then it’s the job of the last axis of character definition to provide the why, when, and where. From a game … Read more

Death is the Road to Awe

Hey folks! It’s another busy week in Awakening towers, as I’m sick. Powerful, addictive painkillers sick. Also, I’m woefully behind on a few things (thanks, in part, to the sick) so I can’t spend the time the Orders deserve to explain how they’re changing. This is for the good, though, as the Council of Free … Read more


Legacies As mages interact with the Mysteries, their gnosis grows, deepening their understanding of magic and developing into a unique style. In game mechanical terms, exposure to Mysteries earns Arcane Beats and Experiences, which you spend on traits relating to your character’s personal grasp of the Mysteries — Path Arcana, Praxes, and Gnosis. If Order … Read more


Hello once again! Legacies is currently ranked in first place on last week’s poll, with roughly two-thirds of the vote. Unfortunately, we’ve hit a particularly busy time behind the scenes, with multiple books requiring sustained attention, so I don’t have time to take the couple of hours necessary to explain the new Legacy mechanics for … Read more

Acolyte Merits and Rituals – Secrets of the Covenants Open Development

Hey, folks. I said there’d be more to come after Gen Con, and here’s the first of it. Open development is back, with Secrets of the Covenants! Secrets is primarily a book of artifacts that give you an inside look into the covenants, but also includes Merits, rituals, and so on that give you more … Read more