
I’m on the redlining charge now. That’s where I read through all the first drafts and mark up comments and corrections, everything from use of the passive voice to rules that don’t do what they claim to do, before passing back to the writers for second drafts. Of the book, I’m about halfway through — 109,000 words out of 215,000. I can normally redline 10 to 20 thousand words each day, but it’s in-depth work that involves keeping the whole contents of the book in my head and cross-referencing everything. That’s why I’m being even quieter than normal — I’m reading, but I need to focus on the redlines so don’t have time to respond just now. I am listening, though. Also? Sleep-deprived. That one’s nothing new, though.

Anyway: idigam won, 42 to 14. So let’s talk about the Moon-Banished.

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An Interesting Conversation About Schedules

One of the reasons that I love writing the weekly Monday Meeting Notes blog is the real dialogue that is possible in the comments. This week, there was a great comment expressing concern for the way some books are listed in the updates section of the blog with the same notation week after week. Here was … Read more

Now Available: Tale of the Visiting Flare

Now available on DriveThruComics in PDF and print! The young warrior known as Visiting Flare wanders Vaneha in search of the answers to the jumbled broken puzzle that is his past. In times of stress he catches fleeting glimpses of a time when his power reshaped history, but he does not know whether those visions … Read more

It’s True, Detectives.

  So today I had a lunch meeting with Eddy that started with us discovering that the last week’s worth of approvals had been sent, automatically, to his CCP email address. Said address being of the deactivated kind, and thus not working to get the art and books and t-shirt designs into the approval queue, this left us … Read more