Titans Rising… Pledges![Monday Meeting Notes]

The Kickstarter campaign for Titans Rising and Titanomachy is going great and was funded in about half a day! Whoooo! We already achieved this Stretch Goal: ACHIEVED! – At $35,000 in Funding – TITANS RISING STARTING ADVENTURE – A semi-jumpstart scenario designed to work with the Ready-Made Characters from Titans Rising (or your own characters) and launch a new epic tale in … Read more

Episode 274: Virtual Tabletops!

In which we talk about virtual tabletops, playing remotely, and what we have on offer for various VTTs. Links: Titans Rising Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/titans-rising-and-titanomachy-for-scion-2nd-edition-rpgOnyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPathOnyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpathOnyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk

Release Roundup: August 2023

Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding project to production status update. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: This month’s Community Content, from the Storypath Nexus, Slarecian Vault, and Canis Minor includes: CROWDFUNDING UPDATE Trinity Continuum: Aegis ended on BackerKit … Read more

Now Available: Library Tasty Bit for Scion!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: The Library, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion: Dragon! Libraries double not only as a place to keep one’s hoard, but also as fitting Lairs. The Ashwood Library isnow the Lair of Simon Lowe, Heir of Níðhöggr, and he lies sleeping at the library’s center, slumped overa pile of … Read more

Titans Rising now live on Kickstarter!

Titans Rising builds on the foundations of Scion: Titanomachy, explaining the grand conflict between the Gods and Titans. It delves into the very heart of Titanhood, revealing that some Titans truly are just misunderstood and that conflict based on whom someone’s parents are is problematic at best. The book presents Titanic Scions — not just as playable … Read more

DAWN OF THE TITANS! [Monday Meeting Notes]

That’s right! The 2 Book Titans Rising and Titanomachy Kickstarter starts tomorrow (as I write this), Tuesday the 29th at 2pm Eastern US time! The time of the Titans is here! This Kickstarter is for both books, the totally new Titans Rising, and also for a traditionally printed version of Titanomachy (which had previously only … Read more

Now Available: Assassins VTT!

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Rat in a Burning Cage, a VTT adventure set for Trinity Continuum: Assassins! This is something new for us! More than a jumpstart, more than a PDF, there’s a lot going on here to make your experience as rich as possible. Other Recent Releases Did you miss one … Read more

THE TITANS ARE COMING!!! [Monday Meeting Notes]

I actually had much more of a “coming soon!” blog in mind, as up until a couple of hours ago we were still in a holding pattern with the folks at Kickstarter. Then, badda-bing!, they approved our next crowdfunding project for Scion: Titans Rising… and also Titanomachy! That’s right! This Kickstarter is so that we … Read more