Sunday’s Eternal Choice [Promethean: The Created]

It’s Sunday, and so you, faithful readers, are again faced with a decision regarding what aspect of Promethean you want to hear about come Tuesday morning. I’ve given the choice several times as “Refinements or [something else],” and while the vote is always close, “something else” always gets picked. As I was typing up notes for … Read more

The Invisible Pulse [Mage: The Awakening]

It’s another layover week, and there’s one Path left, so it’s time to look at the Thyrsus. (It’s okay, though, we’ve got five Orders to get through before I run-out of emergency fill-in material.) So. The Thyrsus. I know we’re not supposed to have favorites, and from a game design perspective I don’t, but let … Read more

The Fate of Atlantis [Mage: The Awakening]

A long time ago – what seems like an incredibly long time to me, but is probably actually about a year and a half, I had a conversation with Ian Watson. I was newly-minted Awakening Developer but still claiming to not be in threads because second edition hadn’t been publicly announced. Ian was recently released … Read more

Disquiet and the Wasteland: Everything and Everyone Hates You [Promethean: The Created]

Every Promethean burns with an inner fire so intense, it scorches the land around them. It makes people uncomfortable, even if they can’t figure out why. The Divine Fire, the energy that ultimately allows the alchemy of the Great Work, also sets Prometheans apart from the world they want to join. In 2nd Edition, we’re … Read more

Listen to Me Talk Forever [Promethean: The Created]

Today I did an interview with The Gentleman Gamer, in which we discussed Beast: The Primordial, Chill, and, of course, Promethean 2nd Edition. Have a look! I know it’s long, so get a snack. Today is also Sunday, and therefore I pose this question to you: Would you like my next open dev post (on Tuesday) to … Read more

Ordo Dracul Merits and Mysteries: The Rites of the Dragon [Vampire: The Requiem]

The followers of Dracula hold tight to their hidden rites and secret truths. Their mysteries aren’t as flashy as sorcery, but that very clandestine nature increases their thrall over the imaginations of the dead. Secrets of the Covenants presents new Merits for members of the Order and their allies, as well as little-known or heretical … Read more

It’s About the Buy-In [Promethean: The Created]

Hey, pieced-together protagonists. It’s Tuesday! Normally I’d be tallying the result of your votes, but I didn’t get to put up a choice on Sunday because I was, as it happens, too busy redlining Promethean 2nd Edition. But I did want to talk about a couple of things, just so we’re all on the same … Read more