Demon Prestige Kickstarter: 24 hour warning!
What rises must fall. What has fallen may rise again. The Kickstarter for the prestige edition of the Demon: The Descent rulebook will begin tomorrow, November 12, at noon (12pm) ET!
Chronicles of Darkness
We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause us to retreat into comforting lies — “There are no such things as monsters” — or stir our morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.
After an extensive overhaul of the concepts of the World of Darkness, the Chronicles of Darkness (sometimes “CofD”) was developed in 2004 with the release of the World of Darkness Rulebook, featuring a game of ordinary people who find themselves embroiled in the supernatural. More than a decade later, it remains a fan favorite supporting an incredible ten supporting lines. Onyx Path Publishing is delighted to offer dozens of role-playing game, fiction, art, and clothing products for the Chronicles of Darkness, as well as helping to rerelease hundreds of original books through PDF and print-on-demand.
If this sounds interesting to you, Buy Chronicles of Darkness now! CofD merchandise is available via our RedBubble store.
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Vampire: The Requiem
Werewolf: The Forsaken
Mage: The Awakening
Promethean: The Created
Changeling: The Lost
Hunter: The Vigil
Geist: The Sin-Eaters
Mummy: The Curse
Demon: The Descent
Beast: The Primordial
Deviant: The Renegades
What rises must fall. What has fallen may rise again. The Kickstarter for the prestige edition of the Demon: The Descent rulebook will begin tomorrow, November 12, at noon (12pm) ET!
Hi Everybody, Welcome to yet another exciting installment of Mirthful Mike’s Art Blog. This week’s art sneak preview comes to us from Efrem Palacios and is the “Majesty” piece for the upcoming Blood & Smoke release. Some of you may recognize Efrem’s work from past titles such as WoD: Immortals, VTES-Keepers of Tradition, and the … Read more
I handed Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle over to the art director today. Based on current estimates for when art’s coming in and the CCP approval process, the PDF should be out in December.
Folks on the Demon thread over at RPG.Net are discussing the Demon House Exploit. Since it’s Halloween, I figured I’d post the text of that Exploit, so you can see how you can be a haunted house in Demon: The Descent. Demon House The God-Machine occasionally gives angels non-human, even inanimate, Covers. They might become weapons, objects or … Read more
So, if you’ve following along, you know there’s a Hunter book in development. I’m writing – well, I have written – a chapter, and it’s about using Prometheans as antagonists. They got a little treatment in the Hunter: The Vigil core, but this goes into a bit more depth and offers up some new Endowments and suchlike (I … Read more
I’ve been popping over to the White Wolf forums of late, venturing out of my usual game-related online stomping grounds. Which has been nice, because I’ve been able to read – and occasionally comment on – Demon-related things. One of the things that folks have asked about is Aether. What is it, really? Apparently, the Quickstart didn’t … Read more
One year, one month, and one day from the day the writer mailing list for Blood and Smoke opened, the book’s text was locked down and sent for editing. That was Friday the 20th. For those of you keeping track, that means we’re still on target for PDF release in November. The two places we … Read more
The Ordo Dracul work tirelessly to improve the Kindred condition. Or at least, their Kindred condition. They pursue the Mysteries of the Dragon, ways to understand and reshape basic elements of what it means to be a vampire. In building them, we wanted to show that not only does the Order succeed at beginning to transcend … Read more
We had a few preview copies of the Demon: the Descent Quickstart at Gen Con Indy last week for folks to check out, now you can download the full PDF at! I was an angel. I wasn’t an angel of vengeance, or an angel of mercy, or even an angel of death. I was an angel of … Read more
Vampires don’t play by the rules, but we do. As a standalone book, Blood and Smoke is going to feature the core Storytelling system rules, with the God-Machine Chronicle updates baked right in. The chapter’s designed to be lean and mean, providing the basics you need to play Vampire, with pointers to the other books for more detailed subsystems. (And, … Read more