Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
… it’s happening. Late 2014. Developed by Rich “Deadguy” Dansky. Facebook page
World of Darkness
The World of Darkness is much like our world, but it is darker, more devious and more conspiratorial — an aesthetic we call “Gothic-Punk”. The dichotomy between the rich and the poor, the influential and the weak, and the powerful and the powerless is much more pronounced than in the real world. Decadence, cynicism, and corruption are common. Humans are unwitting victims or pawns of vast secret organizations of supernatural creatures. Vampires, werewolves, and mages (among others) struggle with internal factionalism and against other species in secret wars of intrigue for control.
The World of Darkness (sometimes “WoD”) was first developed in 1991 with the release of Vampire: The Masquerade. It has reached hundreds of millions of people through thousands of books published in a wide variety of languages, as well as via a prime-time television show, multiple well-regarded video games, and even World of Darkness-focused conventions. Onyx Path Publishing offers dozens of role-playing game, fiction, art, and clothing products for the World of Darkness, as well as helping to re-release hundreds of original books through PDF and print-on-demand.
If this sounds interesting to you, you can Buy World of Darkness products now!
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Vampire: The Masquerade
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Mage: The Ascension
Wraith: The Oblivion
Changeling: The Dreaming
… it’s happening. Late 2014. Developed by Rich “Deadguy” Dansky. Facebook page
Kindred Most Wanted was one of those cool, but a little strange, original Vampire supplements that everyone liked, but didn’t actually get a lot of use at the table. It had these terrifying “bad guys” that made for dangerous villains so bad the entire Camarilla wanted them dead. Admittedly they had pretty good reason because … Read more
The Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Kickstarter is going strong. It’s got three days to go, and so far people have blitzed through our stretch goals. So, for those of you on the fence, I thought I’d run through what the current state of the book looks like: • A 10,000 word section on the Hengeyokai … Read more
Now available at DriveThruRPG! Most mortals turn away from the darkness that preys upon them, going about their lives in despair of the Damned and the evils they visit upon the world. But a precious few wage a personal war to shine light on those shadows and diminish them, like solitary candles shining in the … Read more
So reading through the excellent comments on the Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Kickstarter and it looks like some folks aren’t aware that we’ve made the full text of W20 Changing Breeds up on Google Docs. If you want to see how we’ve handled the Lost Breeds or some of the new Gifts that Holden’s cooked … Read more
The Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Kickstarter is GO! Questions here or there, I’ll answer when I can
The Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds kickstarter will go live tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm BST/11am EST!
And here, the last piece of the book. Alan covered a lot in a small space — even trying to cut as much as I could, it’s still a bit over. Chapter Seven, Part 2 And now, a couple of points going forward. 1) I couldn’t fit nearly as much as I wanted into the … Read more
Now I’m up to the last chapter, all of the material we’re converting to V20 from previous Vampire: The Masquerade books. When completed, this chapter will flow together, but right now it’s in two chunks. This first chunk is by Jason, and covers Thaumaturgy Paths and Rituals. There’s a distinct Tremere slant, and a couple … Read more
After a look at various vampire factions large and small, it’s time to dig into something that all vampires can hate: those that sell their souls to the infernal. This covers infernalism, how vampires make contracts, and the groups in the Sabbat and the Camarilla that hunt them down. Ree did a solid job on … Read more