Prologue and Introduction

After some debate, I’ve decided that I’ll toss up my edits to the drafts, but I’m not going to post my comments to the writers. I tend to have a very direct development style, and by the nature of this process I’m going to be giving the writers their feedback after open development is closed, … Read more

Rites of the Blood Open Development opening soon!

After a bit of a lull, I now have (most) of the first drafts in for Rites of the Blood. As such, I’m starting an open development period that will last from now until June 9th. As I finish my notes on a chapter, I’ll make that file available on a new blog post with notes. … Read more

Another Playtest Report, You Lucky So-n-So’s!

Jim’s Group – Playtest 10 May 13 Between sessions, I’d decided after seeing that both Blood & Smoke and Dave’s Mage rules to tide folks over until and unless Awakening gets the GMC treatment give their supernatural critters 10 dots of Merits to start with, I would do the same and see how that worked … Read more

W20 is on sale!

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is now on sale in PDF and print-on-demand from DriveThruRPG. Seeing it released is an incredible moment for all the writers, artists, editors, and layout bods who worked on the book. The deluxe Kickstarter editions — both “regular Deluxe” and Heavy Metal — will be coming soon. Rich Thomas … Read more

W20 Update

In case you missed it in the Monday Meeting Notes, or indeed don’t read the Monday Meeting Notes, this little bit might be of interest (emphasis mine): Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Corrections [for the Deluxe edition —Stew] are with the printer. The W20 PoD proofs are great- we’re going to go live with this … Read more

Help me name a power – Named!

EDIT: YOU FOLKS ARE AWESOME! There were lots of good suggestions, some very literate, some very computer-y, some flowery, some nice and simple. In the end, we went with “Last Place You Look,” because it’s a nice description of what the power does and it fits the naming convention we’ve established. So, thanks very much … Read more

Something other than Actual Play: “Balance”

I feel like I owe you all something beyond playtest reports, although those have been generating some good responses. OK, so, we all know that demons have demonic forms, and those forms have power associated with them. You’ve seen demons using Wings, Clairvoyant Sight, Teleportation, and so forth; these are all form powers. Demons also … Read more