Actual Play(test): Eric’s Group

Eric Zawadzki, the genius behind the story “Prodigal” in the God-Machine Anthology, and one of the writers on Demon: The Complicated Last Names. I’m gonna be posting three playtest write-ups in quick succession. Follow along. Same caveats apply from my playtest: THIS IS A PLAYTEST. Everything from names to powers to setting elements is subject to change. … Read more

Demon Playtest: How an Angel Dies

So! Some time ago, we played a session of the forthcoming game from Onyx Path, Demon: The Leopard Gecko (OK, I’m not gonna keep doing weird names for the game. Much. Just remember it’s Demon, we have a subtitle, we haven’t released it yet because it might changed, move on). Before you read any further, … Read more

Blood Ritual Rites of the Bloody Blood

Hey all! This is Eddy. So, for the past twelve months or so, I’ve been minding my own business, focusing on my new full-time day job working on the World of Darkness MMO at CCP, helping Rich out as liaison between CCP and Onyx Path, and doing a little freelance writing here and there. But … Read more

Anarchs Unbound Dev Scenario: Stealing Alexander

I’m using the the following scenario as a playtest bed for some of the Anarchs material that’s rolling in. It’s for an elders one-shot or mini-chronicle that uses some of the concepts and mechanics of Anarchs Unbound, currently in development. The Prince of Atlanta has much to deal with during the week that the city … Read more

Announcing: Mummy

Hi, gang! Yes, it’s been a few weeks since my last blog update, but uh, we’ve been a little busy over here.  🙂 The first and most important low-down is that the Mummy: The Curse Kickstarter has launched (link below). We’ll be looking to shout it from the rooftops through the holidays, since we only … Read more

Hunters Hunted 2 and Anarchs Unbound

A lot is happening in Vampire-land. First, the outline for Anarchs Unbound has been posted, and awaits your commentary. Feedback on the Hunters Hunted 2 outline was strong and definitely helped us refine the direction of the book, and I’m hoping we can see some similar strength in feedback on the Anarchs outline. The writers … Read more

Jess on Ajaba

[I asked Jess Hartley to put together a post about the Ajaba, and some of the changes we’re considering making to a breed close to both our hearts. Take it away, Jess!] Sometimes writing for a project like Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is pretty straightforward. As a game line develops, decades of game … Read more