Extended Actions: Digging in Deeper

Someone asked about extended actions and how they were revised. So here we are.  I actually always liked the extended action rules, but I also think that you should only use them if it’s necessary to know how long something takes or (better yet) the characters are under the gun. I like these revisions because … Read more

With Merit

I’m annoyingly sick this week (101 degree fever for several days running), so we don’t have a full dev blog. However, writer David Hill has been posting Merits from Blood and Smoke on the forums, and I wanted to share a few of the social ones. The Merits in the original Vampire book were some of … Read more

Now in Print: January 24

Classic World of Darkness CTD: Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses CTD: Pour L’Amour et Liberté: The Book of Houses 2 World of Darkness CTL: Changeling: The Lost Rulebook Scion Ragnarök Changeling: The Lost and Ragnarok are our first books offered in “Standard Color” as opposed to the “Premium Color” option. It’s a reduced cost … Read more

Storyteller’s Discretion

As you may have gleaned from posts I’ve made on various forums of late, I’m writing the kewl powerz for Demon: The Spearmint. I’m also co-developing, but that’s neither here nor there for purposes of this entry. What I want to talk about here is “Storyteller discretion,” in a very specific context: that of supernatural powers. … Read more

Mid-Winter of our Disk Content

First off, Eddy was one of the guests at the Mid-Winter convention where he spread the word about Onyx Path (including a presentation with Matt McElroy) and was his usual LARPy self. He shared a couple of things that happened there with me besides the overall good things convention attenders had to say about Onyx … Read more


So, someone on RPG.Net asked for spoilers about grappling in the God-Machine Chronicle, and it occurred to me that I had meant to post an extra spoiler or two, but never got back around to it. So what the heck? I’m not opposed to grappling. Grapple To grab your opponent, roll Strength + Brawl – Defense. … Read more

The Choir Invisible

Update: Clarifications and fixes were made on 1/19. — Busy week for Vampire again. I’ve been working with the writers on the last of the Disciplines, and getting together reprinted material for the anthology. We posted a second draft of Protean earlier today. And there are lots of contracts and practical matters to square away! Plus, … Read more

Anarchs Unbound: Redlines and Rewrites

Hey, gang: As the final touches are put on Hunters Hunted II in preparation for Kickstartery, I wanted to offer you a forward-looking peek at some of the Anarchs Unbound work in progress. You can find one of the redlines here. If you’re unfamiliar with our process, a redline is when I as developer take … Read more