Messengers and Vocal Embeds

A demon’s Incarnation is his original function in the service of the God-Machine. Some angels walked battlefields with bladed wings dipped in blood, others protected humans without rest… until the moment of their appointed doom. Today, we take a look at the Messengers and the Vocal Embeds they wield. Once, you were a Trumpet. A living … Read more

Yes, Virginia, there is a subtitle

As you probably know, it’s Demon: The Descent. So what now? Well, Rich gives updates on the general state of things every Monday over on the aptly named Monday Meeting Blog, but he has a lot of irons in the fire, so maybe you’d appreciate a little more direct information about Demon? Sure thing. Let’s talk a … Read more

How an Angel Dies, Part 4

Wednesday, we played our fourth and probably penultimate session in How an Angel Dies, the SAS for Demon: The Dysphagia. If you want a refresher, last session is here. So, the first thing we did was spend some experiences. Michelle bought the Fungible Knowledge Embed, and then plugged that into her Cipher (formerly known as Interlock Matrix). Her … Read more

Converted: Thaum Paths and

Now I’m up to the last chapter, all of the material we’re converting to V20 from previous Vampire: The Masquerade books. When completed, this chapter will flow together, but right now it’s in two chunks. This first chunk is by Jason, and covers Thaumaturgy Paths and Rituals. There’s a distinct Tremere slant, and a couple … Read more