Tuesday is the New Monday (This Week)

Hey, sorry not to post yesterday- pieces of things that had to be handled all happened to land on Monday. Also, as an aside, you might notice we dropped a few graphics here and a few widgets on the Onyx Path site. We’re working with our webhost to manage our increased audience and pulled back … Read more

Actual Play(test): Demon: The Eric’s Group, part 2

Session #2 Alexandra and Fiona have other things they need to do to protect their interests, so they bow out of the team refrigerator raid. Engelbert agrees to help Hugo’s search and goes back to the city with him. Alexandra, meanwhile, returns to the police station to see if there is any news on that … Read more

Actual Play(test): Eric’s Group

Eric Zawadzki, the genius behind the story “Prodigal” in the God-Machine Anthology, and one of the writers on Demon: The Complicated Last Names. I’m gonna be posting three playtest write-ups in quick succession. Follow along. Same caveats apply from my playtest: THIS IS A PLAYTEST. Everything from names to powers to setting elements is subject to change. … Read more

Less Human Than Human

I promised that even though the open playtest was over, we’d still be posting previews from Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle. I’d intended to do it sooner, but I stepped up and became Onyx Path’s new Development Producer, so blogging’s been a little delayed. Recently, the forums started discussing Humanity, and, since redlines on that section … Read more

Demon blog

I’ve been reminded that I haven’t linked to the new Demon blog over at WhiteWolfBlogs yet. So here it is! http://whitewolfblogs.com/demon

Demon Playtest: How an Angel Dies

So! Some time ago, we played a session of the forthcoming game from Onyx Path, Demon: The Leopard Gecko (OK, I’m not gonna keep doing weird names for the game. Much. Just remember it’s Demon, we have a subtitle, we haven’t released it yet because it might changed, move on). Before you read any further, … Read more

Who’s The Fool Now, April?

As you folks might know, we had a tradition at White Wolf where we put out a product on April Fool’s Day– usually a twisted, but playable, version of  our regular stuff. The Iceland By Night supplement, the Dudes of Legend, etc. This year, we at Onyx Path continue the tradition by publishing Scion: Extras– … Read more

Release: Scion Extras

While it is well-known that not every God is as potent as Zeus (and not every Goddess as brave as Isis), even the Gods themselves tend to “forget” their long-lost cousins and great-aunts twice-removed on the other side of the family. Among the immortals, the uber-powerful feel there are some deities best left off Junior’s … Read more

Layout Time

W20: Changing Breeds is out of editing and in Chaney’s hands. This is a beast of a book — no pun intended. The original outline was for 90,000 words. That didn’t last very long. I talked to Rich about upping that to 120,000 words. We ended up at near as damnit 135,000 words — fully half as much again as the original wordcount. And now my eyes are bleeding.

In celebration of completing the Editing Pass of Doom™, I’ve included the introduction to the Ajaba below the jump.

In other news, I’m going to be a guest at Conpulsion in Edinburgh — an easy con to get to as it’s right on my doorstep. I’ll be running some Werewolf: The Apocalypse, including an exclusive sneak preview of the Skinner SAS! Hope to see some local Werewolf fans there!

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Upcoming Con Appearances

Matt McFarland (God-Machine Chronicle, Demon) and Michelle Lyons-McFarland (editrix extraordinare) will be at MarCon this weekend, March 29-31, in Columbus, Ohio. Matt will be running a Demon demo! Stew Wilson (W20) will be at Conpulsion in Edinburgh, April 12-14. He’ll be running Werewolf, talking about both Apocalypse and Forsaken, and auctioning spots for people to … Read more